I have read science fiction books about pandemics. I have pondered the possibilities of a man-made virus developed for use as a weapon. And I have imagined the effects this would have on our world. But despite being a writer, my imagination fell far short of the reality, now that it's here.
Many more people have already died, world-wide, from this Covid 19 than I imagined. I pictured the virus as being something like the yearly flu, that might make you sick, uncomfortably so, but most people would have the stamina to recover from it. It wouldn't require whole schools to close, those who might have the virus to be quarantined, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, businesses all are closed down. Life has radically changed.
But in addition to the evil things this virus has wrought, it has brought out the best in our fellow human beings. The news is filled with stories of doctors, nurses and first responders who sacrifice their time, effort and health to care for our sick, and sometimes their lives. Neighbors help each other with groceries and stay in touch online with the elderly. Entertainers offer up songs on the internet, or read stories online to children who are confined indoors.
I don't know how long this will last, but it's already lasted longer than I imagined. It is changing our world and we may not return to the "good old days," even when the virus has a vaccine and is no longer such a dangerous threat. I like to think by then the world will have changed for the better, with us realizing how little our world really is, and how closely related we are to each other. It's a small, small world!